Check this out, no crap seriously...
Take a look at this site:
In a few seconds, all the items in this website will start falling apart...
This is the most amazing dog I've ever seen, she is born with no front leg...
She walks like a human...
She is famous...
She loves guinea pigs...
She is cute...
She is talented...
She is strong...
She is VIP...
She is attractive...
She is adorable...
She is unique...
She is incredible...
She is amazing...
And the video...
Reduce - The amount of the Earth's resources that we use.
Reuse - Don't just bin it, could someone else make use of it?
Recycle - Can the materials be made into something new?
As a recycling awareness piece, Korean artist Choi Jung Hyun created a Viper Snake sculpture. For the setting and presentation, more than a few computer mice have been added, who have had their wires cut short and resemble tails.
Be part of the Earth Day, make our earth a better place to live, most importantly keep the earth alive...